China’s Russia dilemma
Balancing the relationship between Russia and the West is becoming increasingly difficult for Beijing. What are Xi Jinping’s intentions? How far is China willing to go?
🗓 18 September 2024
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China’s labour troubles
An abundant labour supply has been a key feature of China’s industrialization. Now the labour force is shrinking. What will be the immediate and long-term consequences?
🗓 22 October 2024
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Perspectives on U.S. election
Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are promising their supporters to be tough on China. The reality could be different. We look at the outcome of the American election from a China perspective.
🗓 8 November 2024
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Is Cambodia a supply chain option?
Prior to Covid-19, the least developed countries in Southeast Asia did not attract much interest from foreign investors. That is changing now. Could Cambodia be next in line?
🗓 25 November 2024
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Recordings from previous events
Denmark’s business relationship with China – now and in the future
Are Danish and other foreign companies in the process of phasing out their activities in China? Or do they continue to operate, but with an adapted business strategy? What are the immediate alternatives to China?
The webinar provides a snapshot of the situation in China, as well as an assessment of the future of Danish companies on the Chinese market. Peter Bøgh Hansen, DI’s political director for China, and Jacob Johansen. Principal at PwC China, offer their take on the development based on a new survey. 85 Danish companies have contributed to the survey with their own considerations.
Organizers: Danske Erhvervshuse and DI Sense China
🗓 30 May 2024 (09:30-10:30 Danish time)
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Handling personal information in China
China introduced comprehensive data privacy laws in 2021. Since then, personal information has become subject to a higher protection standard than those imposed for general data. Companies must comply with strict requirements for collecting, storing, processing, and transferring sensitive personal data.
From a business perspective, the main challenges are to define what constitutes ‘sensitive data’, and to prepare effective compliance procedures. Meeting these challenges are made more difficult by regular updates to existing rules, and by seemingly arbitrary enforcement. Consequently, handling of personal data has become a serious concern for many companies.
In this webinar, we examine how to identify sensitive personal information in China, and we discuss how companies can ensure compliance. We also present specific case examples under the Personal Information and Protection Law (PIPL), China’s equivalent to GDPR.
🗓 27 March 2024 (09:30-10:30 Danish time)
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1-1 Talk with Simon Lichtenberg
Join our exclusive conversation with Simon Lichtenberg, CEO and Founder of Trayton Group.
Simon is one of the most successful Danish entrepreneurs and businesspeople in China. Learn his thoughts on do’s and don’t’s when operating in a market characterized by intransparency, tough competition, and local protectionism. Why do some foreign businesses record massive profits in China, while many others find it almost impossible to penetrate the market?
🗓 29 February 2024 (09:30-10:30 Danish time)
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How are Danish SMEs coping in China?
Being a small player in a big market can be tough. Danish SME’s have been up to the challenge. Many have done well over the years.
But how does the future look? Will a slowing economy and a riskier political environment halt China’s supply chain and sales attraction? Or will the untapped potential continue to attract Danish SME’s with global aspirations?
🗓 31 October 2023 (09:30-10:30 Danish time)
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Let’s talk China
Join this interesting discussion at DI’s Topmøde. We talk about the future perspectives for Denmark’s trade relationship with China.
The panelists are Cindy Yu from The Spectator, Bjarne Foldager from MAN Energy Solutions, and Poul Due Jensen from Grundfos.
🗓 28 September 2023 (13:00-14:00 Danish time)
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Are foreign companies leaving China?
Geopolitical tensions and a slow economic recovery are leading many to believe that international businesses are leaving China in big numbers. The reality is more nuanced.
In this free webinar, you will learn how five different types of companies are approaching the situation. You will also get the latest on-the-ground insights about the state of Danish enterprises in post-corona China.
🗓 15 September 2023 (15:30-16:30 China time)
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Kina: Forstå de svære dilemmaer
Podcast om Danmarks relation til Kina. Fokus på geopolitiske udfordringer og dansk erhvervslivs fremadrettede perspektiver på det kinesiske marked.
Podcasten indgår i programserien Topchefernes Strategi. Den er modereret af Børsens chefredaktør Niels Lunde og med Peter Bøgh Hansen fra DI samt Camilla Sørensen fra Danmarks Forsvarsakademi som gæster.
🗓 16 May 2023, 9:00-10:o0 DK Time
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China versus India
China versus India is the new battle of the titans on the global scene. Who will come out on top?
In the past few years, soldiers from the two countries have been clashing at the shared border on several occasions. Growing nationalism on both sides is the primary cause for the incidents. But other factors also play a role. Fierce economic competition and a latent geopolitical rivalry are top of the list.
🗓 10 May 2023, 9:30-10:30 DK Time
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Exploring China’s Healthcare Market
Hear about the rapidly growing Chinese healthcare market. Get on-the-ground experiences from two leading Danish companies. Learn how your company can achieve market entry by using a special economic zone as a gateway to the rest of mainland China.
🗓 27 April 2023, 9:00-12:00 DK Time
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Taking the Temperature on China’s Green Transition
Is China on track to meet its ambitious targets for becoming clean and green?
In 2020, president Xi Jinping announced the most ambitious climate target in his country’s history. China, the world’s biggest emitter of CO2, aims to achieve carbon neutrality no later than 2060.
Meeting the target will be very difficult. It requires development of innovative technologies across many industries. It also requires a stable relationship with the rest of the world, as trade and knowledge exchange are key parts of the solution.
This webinar examines China’s progress on fulfilling its green ambitions.
🗓 31 March 2023, 9:30-10:30 DK Time
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Dealing with Risks in China
Working in China is becoming a riskier affair for Danish companies. They are confronted with challenges across a wide spectrum of issues, from geopolitical tensions to human rights concerns. Public opinion in Denmark is adding to the pressure. Critical media coverage and tough political rhetoric are making commercial decisions more difficult to defend.
This online network meeting examines the topic of risk management in China. We have invited several Danish company representatives to share experiences in a confidential setting. We also encourage the audience to offer inputs in a joint discussion that will focus on how to manage operations in a politicall sensitive environment.
🗓 9 February 2023, 9:30-10:30 DK Time
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What to Expect from China in 2023?
2022 was another intense year for China. Challenges have kept piling up, from lockdowns to economic disruptions and nationwide protests. On top of the domestic misfortunes, China’s relationship with the United States further deteriorated.
Despite the concerns, however, the Danish business community continues to regard China as a key market and supply chain center. Very few Danish companies have opted to exit China in 2022. So what to expect in 2023? Will the pandemic finally be overcome? Will business operations normalize, or will Danish companies migrate to other regional markets?
Will the China-West decoupling continue, or will the EU break ranks and resume closer economic engagement with China? How to deal with China’s approach to Taiwan and Ukraine?
🗓 6 January 2023
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From China to Singapore
Could Singapore be the next move for your business?
Many companies have already relocated regional headquarters out of China. Singapore is the top destination. It is strategically located in the center of Asia, enabling easy access to surrounding markets. The government’s business-oriented approach and competitive tax environment also makes it a preferred choice.
🗓 8 November 2022
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Take-aways fra Kinas Partikongres
Det er første gang i fem år, at kommunistpartiet mødes i samlet flok, og der skal tages mange vigtige beslutninger. Beslutningerne får stor betydning for danske firmaer med interesser i Kina.
🗓 26 October 2022
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Data Privacy in China
Get insights from professional service providers on how to comply with Chinese data privacy regulations in your operations.
This is a closed event for members of Sense China Network.
🗓 21 September 2022
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Digital Marketing in China
Learn new ways of navigating in China’s unique digital ecosystem.
Accelerated by lockdowns and restrictions on movement, Chinese consumers continue to step up the online business game. They are embracing a new spectrum of digital solutions, which are being seamlessly integrated into everyday life.
For brands and industrial companies, however, fierce local competition remains a barrier to creating a strong digital presence that ultimately drives sales.
🗓 17 August 2022
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Common Prosperity – Kinas Nye Norm
Den kinesiske regering har med præsident Xi Jinping som styrmand introduceret en ny politisk kurs under parolen Common Prosperity. De fulde implikationer står fortsat hen i det uvisse, men målsætningen er ganske klar: Kina skal være et samfund kendetegnet ved større økonomisk lighed, mindre flamboyant opførsel, og fremfor alt loyalitet til parti og stat.
🗓 20 January 2022
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Navigating China’s Political Business Environment
The webinar puts a spotlight on public affairs in China. The Chinese government’s decisions have an impact on all aspects of doing business in China. As a foreign company, you are expected to know political trends and prove that you are part of China’s modernization. You will learn about China’s development agenda, how to engage with the right public stakeholders, and leverage digital channels to create a positive brand image.
🗓 27 September 2021
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Webinar: How to Benefit from China’s Innovation Boom
Even amid a global pandemic, China has stepped up its efforts to push innovation forward as a national priority. Government spending on research and development exceeds all other countries. Private seed funding and venture capital for tech firms is skyrocketing.
Danish companies are also eying the opportunities in China’s innovation ecosystem. Large-scale enterprises have already moved parts of their R&D system to a Chinese location.
In this webinar, you will learn more about Danish R&D experiences and opportunities.
🗓 22 September 2021
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Sport for Business
One-hour tutorial about sports marketing at the company level. Introduction by top speaker followed by Q&A.
🗓 10 June 2021
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Business Cases from New Retail
One-hour tutorial with keynote presentation followed by Q&A. Get useful insights on how foreign companies deal with retail in China. Cases involve Heinemann, Atria and Hummel.
🗓 23 April 2021
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Blockchain – the China Way
Webinar with panel discussions about blockchain applications in China.
Get insights on how Chinese industries are being reinvented by blockchain technology. Our goal is to inspire industry professionals. Knowing more about China’s experiences offers exciting business prospects and useful tools to compete in markets where innovation, speed and agility are success factors.
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China’s Great Digital Mall
We examine how the customer experience is being revolutionized by China’s two pillars of digital retail architecture: social commerce and omni-channels. You will learn how digital retail in China combines everything from shops to gaming and entertainment, and what you can do to leverage your products to meet local demand.
🗓 24 March 2021
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